Agudas Yisrael Request To United Nations in 1947

Rabbi Itzchak Meir Levine Chairman of Agudas Yisrael stated to the UN investigative committee in 1947 the following:

“We must first declare that which the entire Jewish people agree upon: Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish people are bound to each other forever. It is our land and we therefore request that the doors of the holy land be opened to every Jew and that a political regime be created which can guarantee free immigration and will have the capacity to absorb the immigrants. You have seen the barren places which await the return of their sons and builders. The Land is waiting for the Jews, and the Jews are waiting for the land. You must not leave them scattered. It is your moral duty to help them to unite. We believe in the ultimate redemption which will come from G-d. He alone can free us from exile. But you the nations of the world also have responsibility.”

Source: Friedenson, A History of Agudath Israel, New York, 1970 p.46 as seen in To Dwell In the Palace Ehrlich-Klein, Tzvia 1991 Feldheim Publishers page 311


  1. This is a very revealing post. Thank you. I am happy to see tht the agudas yisroel supported the idea of a state for the jews in eretz yisroel

  2. There is no support for a Jewish State in that statement.


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